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Frequently Asked Questions

01. What will my first session look like?

Though each client is different, a consistent thread amongst all initial sessions is building a foundation for our therapeutic alliance. We will process what you would like to gain from therapy, while discussing what aspects of your current life are not ideal. Together we will create an individualized plan based upon your needs.

02. Do you prescribe medication?

Though I am well versed in psychopharmacology, I am not a prescriber. As a Certified Integrative Mental Health Provider, we will be able to discuss both pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical interventions for cultivating greater mental and physical health.

03. How long will it take until I experience change?

Progress and development within therapy is assessed differently from client to client. I consider progress in therapy like an equation that is equal parts: vulnerability, activating agency, courage, psychoeducation, honesty, and compassion. The more you allow yourself to vulnerably confront your unique challenges in therapy, the greater the outcome will be. We create pathways to progress together in an honest and self affirming way.

04. What purpose does therapy serve?

Therapy is a place where clients are given the opportunity to view themselves from outside of their own experience and make greater informed decisions as it pertains to their well being. This view can be clarifying and also challenging, as it begets greater personal responsibility. I aim to allow clients to see their whole self, and not just a piece that has been negatively impacted by past experiences or relationships.

07. Do you accept insurance for services?

I do not accept insurance benefits for services. Opting for private pay mental health therapy gives clients the opportunity to prioritize confidentiality, autonomy, and quality of care. This approach allows for a more personalized and bespoke therapeutic experience that considers your individualized needs without constraints of mandatory diagnosis or session limits maintained by insurance providers.

I do offer superbill support to clients through Mentaya in order for clients to make use of Out of Network benefits. If you are interested in using your Out of Network benefits to obtain reimbursement for self pay services, contact me here.

06. Do you offer sliding scale or reduced rate services?

In aims to create greater accessibility to therapy, I offer limited spaces for clients to engage in sessions at a reduced cost. If you would like to enroll in therapy at a reduced rate due to financial constraints, please contact me here.