
Questions and Insights

A blog inspired by collective inquiry and discourse on individual wellness

Insights on Wellness

In the blog posts below you will find answers to questions posed by real people, clients, and community members. The information below is a compilation of personal investment within psychological research, and insight gleaned from the experience of providing psychotherapy to clients in need.

The information below is not a stand in for individual therapy with a professional, nor will each post serve as specific advice for individualized concerns that you might be dealing with at this time. These are simply insights from a therapist to an inquiring audience, that can begin greater self exploration.

If you would like to enroll within individual therapy or learn more about the process of individual therapy, please use the Contact link in the navigation bar above.

Note: Book suggestions are often enclosed in posts and used to cultivate deeper learning or insights on topics covered. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases when using the links enclosed within blog posts.

What does it mean to heal?
Charan Bashir Charan Bashir

What does it mean to heal?

In order to begin conceptualizing the healing process, it is valuable to get clear on the definition of healing.

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How do I let go of control?
Charan Bashir Charan Bashir

How do I let go of control?

When considering how we are able to let go of control, it is imperative to first understand what it is that we are attempting to control for and where the desire for control is stemming from.

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What is the practice of non-attachment?
Charan Bashir Charan Bashir

What is the practice of non-attachment?

Embrace non-attachment as a path to mental well-being, challenging fixed beliefs, accepting change, and finding transformative growth in the face of life's challenges.

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What is self transcendence?
Charan Bashir Charan Bashir

What is self transcendence?

When you hear the word self transcendence, what do you think of? Some might have very little understanding of this concept while others might have strong mental associations regarding what this process entails.

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